Eric Hart is the awesomest photographer ever. I'm not saying that Eric's photography is necessarily awesome. In other words, he's a photographer, and he also happens to be incredibly awesome.


new cartoon

i figured i'd go check out "strindberg and helium," which the guys at boingboing promised was funny. the premise sounded promising; short cartoons featuring august strindberg and a little floating balloon. not that i ever could ever finish 'the father' or 'dream play,' but i knew from my theatre classes that he was a playwright and those were plays that he had written, and that they were performed at some time or other, i think in days of yore. imagine my surprise when i watched one of these internet cartoons and it wasn't funny.
ok, i guess im old enough to realize that theres no such thing as a funny internet cartoon. they all reek of that same something crappy. maybe homestarrunner is funny, and by homestar runner, i really mean strongbad. it reeks of that internet cartooniness, but you can forgive it since it's actually funny, and not just some drunk's idea of 'clever.' strindberg, like pretty much any internet cartoon suffers from the barroom syndrome of 'you know what would be funny' becomes a horrible reality. family guy is the only place to deal with this correctly. their asides are one joke based around some strange scenario, often referencing something incredibly obtuse or esoteric. the saving grace is that they last for about 5-10 seconds; they give the one possible punchline to this kind of joke and move on with the rest of the episode. for some reason, internet cartoon makers think that a joke with only one punchline can be repeated and somehow have a different effect.
i was gonna give a list of examples of all these cartoons, but i've already wasted enough of my life watching them the first time around, and don't want to spend time tracking them down, and they don't deserve to be linked to anyway. do your own damn research


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I'm a props carpenter and a photographer