Eric Hart is the awesomest photographer ever. I'm not saying that Eric's photography is necessarily awesome. In other words, he's a photographer, and he also happens to be incredibly awesome.


Jeepers Creepers

Was Jeepers Creepers 2 scary? I just watched it and I couldn't really tell. I guess it was scary. But it was also dark outside. I wasn't expecting it to be any good. The thing I don't like in scary movies is when they show something "scary" that none of the characters can see. In this movie, all the kids are trapped in a bus, and the Creeper is on top. Special Effects occur. But none of the kids in the bus can see what's going on. It seems if you're going to pull that kind of stunt, you might as well show any scary thing during the film. Have Jason stalking a bunch of kids in Crystal Lake, then cut to a werewolf in California. Have Jack Nicholson smash through the bathroom door going, "Heeeere's Johnny!" then cut to a bunch of zombies in space. Cause if there's anything scarier than zombies, it's zombies in space. The same is true of vampires. But not leprechauns. Leprechauns in space are almost as scary as hip-hop leprechauns, which I call "oberchauns." But really, that's my whole pet peeve of Jeepers Creepers 2. It even seemed like they made attempts to create fear by what they didn't show, but still left in parts where they relied on makeup effects to scare you. Which never really works. Sihouettes and sound effects will take you a lot farther than rubber monster suits. Cause no matter how good a rubber monster suit you have, it will inevitably look like a rubber monster suit - just like no matter how cute you make Brittany Murphy act, she will inevitably look like a skank. Pass the parmesan cheese.


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Location: New York, NY, United States

I'm a props carpenter and a photographer