Eric Hart is the awesomest photographer ever. I'm not saying that Eric's photography is necessarily awesome. In other words, he's a photographer, and he also happens to be incredibly awesome.


Catch Me if You Can

There's an article I found called "Catch Me If You Can, Auto Focus, Far From Heaven and the Art of Retro Title Sequences." It was designed by Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas for Nexus Productions. The article compares the titles to "Depatie-Freleng's celebrated animations for the Pink Panther films as well as more general design trends of 1960s titling such as the work of Saul Bass." Unfortunately, the Saul Bass site uses a bad flash interface. Which really is a redundant phrase. "The Saul Bass site uses a flash interface" would be just as accurate. But it does point to later art and artists inspired by the Bass-master - eg, the Clockers poster, Idle Hands poster, the Tindersticks album covers.
Yet none of them seem to have any stylized women.
Obviously your job is to look at these and tell me which ones inspire you and things you like about certain ones.


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Location: New York, NY, United States

I'm a props carpenter and a photographer