Eric Hart is the awesomest photographer ever. I'm not saying that Eric's photography is necessarily awesome. In other words, he's a photographer, and he also happens to be incredibly awesome.


Hooflander Path

Hooflander Path
Originally uploaded by eqqman.
I left my car at Derek's last Saturday cause you were too trashed to drive and everyone there wanted me to drive you back. You drove anyway, but I left my car at his place for show. Since I never actually go anywhere, my car pretty much sat at his place until today when I went to get it. I left my camera in it, and it snowed today. I snapped this photo on the way back from there cause it was so magical. Manly magical.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one needs, like, a corvette, in it, or something. I don't know. Or a chick in a bikini. A thong. I dunno. It's just not, y'know, hot.

3:59 AM


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Location: New York, NY, United States

I'm a props carpenter and a photographer