Eric Hart is the awesomest photographer ever. I'm not saying that Eric's photography is necessarily awesome. In other words, he's a photographer, and he also happens to be incredibly awesome.


Rainbow Puppy Ice Cream Babies

You are being screwed every day of your life. Those in charge want to exploit you and kill you to further line your pockets simply because they don't know you. The difference between corruption and government is that corruption is what the other guy is doing. You may think it's possible to be a success or make it big but that's just a lie to keep you working your ass off. But hey, you say, I'm a white male just like them. They only hate minorities and women. Sorry, wrong answer, but we have some lovely parting gifts. They hate everyone that's not them; if you haven't gotten an invitation by this point then you're not going to their party. And because you're a white male, you won't get any sympathy from the other side either. So you're pretty much SOL by this point. You got a choice between doing nothing or failure. Which are you going to choose...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i'm being so "screwed" as you put it, then why did the government send me such a large refund check?

8:47 AM

Blogger Eric Hart said...

they were just returning your own money to you, which they held onto for almost a year while paying you no interest.

5:10 PM

Blogger Eric Hart said...

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5:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how defeatist. i know how you can feel cynical but i don't buy into it... especially from you. i doubt you've really ever tried to make the system work from you. you are too busy holding onto integrity and all that mumbo jumbo. ;p
anywho, you could always get into politics. see, it might take more grassroots effort, but a little bit of charisma, a likeable personality, and an agenda that the people can relate to can get you into any electable office. Laypeople don't check resumes or stats. They vote with their hearts (or faith) or what suits their interests. A white, rich, elite minority can't stop you there.
Change the system from the INSIDE. Just don't become corrupt or cynical along the way.

12:25 AM


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Location: New York, NY, United States

I'm a props carpenter and a photographer